Archive for world hunger

We’re Christians, we feed people.

Posted in 30 Hour Famine with tags , on May 7, 2010 by Austin Reason

In his Ethics course at SEBTS, Dr. Mark Liederbach once made the comment, “We’re Christians, we feed people.”  It struck me with its simplicity and truth.  Each year, my youth and I get an opportunity to put that into practice on a huge scale.

This weekend, May 14-15, 2010 my youth group and several others will be coming together for 30 Hour Famine.  We will be identifying with tens of thousands of children all over the world by going with food for 30 hours.  We do this to raise awareness (including our own) of the 26,000 children who die every day of starvation and preventable disease, and to raise money to help feed them.

If you can be a part of the solution, please visit my online fundraising page and give whatever you can.  Every dollar received will feed a child for one day, so if you can give just $1 for every hour of the Famine, you will feed a child for a month.  More than that, thanks to a matching grant, your money will go further than it ever has.  This year we have a 10:1 match!  That means for ever dollar you give, you will help feed 11 children for one day!  Please consider a donation, no matter how small.  Just think, $5 – the cost of a cheap lunch – can feed a child for almost two months!