Archive for the Messiah Category

Bible in 90, Day 53: The Suffering Servant & The Coming King

Posted in Bible in 90 Days, Isaiah, Jesus, Messiah on November 5, 2009 by Austin Reason

Isaiah 53-66

springing to life

*image courtesy of cafe-ole at stock.xchng

Today’s passage contained some of the best passages about Jesus in the Old Testament.  We see Him here as the Suffering Servant.  Chapter 53 is a famous passage on the humility of Christ.  It seems the disciples didn’t quite remember this passage when they were thinking about their picture of the Messiah.  They expected the triumphant, conquering King who would come and put an end to all evil.  Isaiah paints a different picture of Messiah’s first coming.  He is nothing exceptional to look at, He is despised by men, even His own, and worst of all He is killed.  He is buried among the wicked, crushed by the Lord, oppressed, and afflicted.

Not exactly what some were looking for in a Savior.

Chapter 55 is another passage that looks forward to the ministry of Messiah.  Jesus would allude to the first few verses of this chapter in John 7:37, 4:14, 6:25-59.  He offered the same promise of water for those who thirst and bread for those who hunger.  As in Isaiah’s prophecy, these are offered freely, and result in the end of hunger and thirst.

Chapter 61 features the only passage of the Bible which we actually see Jesus read in the Gospels (see Luke 4:16-21).  He reads the passage from verses 1-2a, and then proclaims that these words were fulfilled in that very moment.  This represents part of Jesus’ mission as Messiah.  He was anointed by the Lord, He came to preach the gospel, bind up the broken, proclaim freedom the year of the Lord’s favor.  He fulfilled all these things.

It is interesting to find such vivid descriptions of Jesus’ life in the Old Testament.  There is such rich imagery in Isaiah’s words.  This is clear when we read these passages on the other side of the cross, but perhaps for those who lived before His time it was not so clear.  Many were obviously unaware of the nature of the first coming of Messiah.

Many today are obviously unaware of the nature of the second coming of Messiah.  Many look at the life of Christ in His first coming and think that this is the only side to Jesus.  They remember His meekness, but not His wrath.  They remember His humility, but not His royal position.  They remember His forgiveness, but not His judgment.  They remember the words, “Blessed are the peace makers,” but forget He also said “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 5:9, 10:34).  They remember that He died, but not that He will never die again.

Let’s remember the humility, gentleness, and self-sacrifice of Christ.  Let’s also remember His soon coming in victory and judgment.  Let’s not be caught off guard like those who were surprised at His first coming.

*originally at Words of Reason