Archive for the Christmas Category

Keeping the Christ in X-mas

Posted in Christmas, Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 29, 2010 by Austin Reason

I’ve already seen the first assault on “Xmas” for the holiday season, so I thought I’d take some time to explain a few things about Xmas and keeping Christ at the center of it all.

(Update: This post has quickly generated the most traffic on my site in it’s short history. I know this is because of the hot-button nature of the topic.  Let me preface this post by saying that it is not intended to be arrogant, condescending, or rude. If any part of it appears that way, I apologize because that is not my intent. My point is not actually about history, words and letters, though this article does deal with all three. My true point is to get the attention off the bickering and quibbling about words and phrases so we can all put it back on Jesus, where it belongs this season. Lastly, I humbly submit that much of the harsher statements made in this article are as a result of my own soul-searching, not pointed outward at others. My prayer is that the Church will look inward and repent of it’s own sins of neglect, greed, and pride; then look outward at a broken, fallen world that needs to hear about God’s glory and salvation through Jesus.  Let the Spirit speak where He may.)

“X” is the first letter of “Christ” in Greek (spelled ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ). it was a common abbreviation for “Christ” in the early church, and “XS” and “XOS” (ΧΣ and ΧΟΣ) were common abbreviations for “Christ” in the Greek New Testament .  Using “X” as an abbreviation for “Christ” is an ancient practice of the Church.  Before the cross became the popular Christian symbol it is today, the Chi Rho was the predominant symbol for the faith.  The Chi Rho (pictured above), is a symbol which combines the chi and rho (X and P), which are the first two letters of “Christ” in Greek (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ).

Writing Xmas is NOT taking Christ out of Christmas.

Taking Christ out of Christmas looks more like people trampling each other for bargains the day after Thanksgiving.  Taking Christ out of Christmas looks more like a December calendar so full of “holiday” events that we neglect the gathering together with other believers to worship Christ.  Taking Christ out of Christmas looks more like going into debt to buy things people don’t need with money you don’t have, while people around the world are starving.

As I’ve said on this blog before, anyone can copy and paste a statement that cries out about “keeping Christ in Christmas.”  I challenge you to actually do so, in more than just your spelling.  How about setting a December schedule that keeps Christ in Christmas?  How about spending money that keeps Christ in Christmas?  How about living a life from January through November that is radically changed by the fact that Christ came to earth, lived a sinless life, died in your place, was buried, and rose again three days later?

Here’s some ideas to keep Christ in Xmas this year:

  • Make it a point of being in town for each Sunday in the Advent season in order to gather with brothers and sisters in Christ to worship Him
  • When putting out the Nativity scene as you decorate, talk with your kids about what each piece is and what the Bible says about them (Why is Jesus in a manger?  What are the wise men holding?  Why is there a shepherd there?)
  • Buy something for a family in need (World Vision’s Gift Catalog is a great place to start here)
  • Invite a family who doesn’t go to church to come with you and your family to the Christmas Eve service
  • Tell someone about the good news of Christ’s death in our place to save us from sin

Whatever creative ways you come up with, just don’t relegate your faith to a simple bumper sticker declaration or copy and paste confession about keeping Christ in Christmas.  James warned us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”  Don’t complain to Wal-mart that they aren’t keeping Christ in Christmas, they aren’t the church!  If you are a follower of Christ, then it’s up to you to keep Christ at the center of this season.

One last thing: don’t copy and paste this as your status update, just keep the Christ in Xmas with your actions!

(One more update: a friend of mine, Jared, has written a post on this same general topic, but with a much more mission-minded focus. I highly recommend you read his take