Bible in 90, Day 42: Passing it on

Psalms 69-89


“Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, O God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
your might to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

One of the most important themes in the Old Testament was that of passing on the knowledge of God to the next generation.  Those things which God has chosen to reveal about Himself belong to those to whom He reveals it, and to their children (Deuteronomy 29:29).  We recall Deuteronomy 6, where the people are instructed to make the Law a part of everyday life in the home and family.  It is both a sacred duty, and a blessed privilege to be able to teach the next generation those things which we have learned, especially the things of God.  Psalm 71 shows us the passion of the author to do just that.  He asks God to give him enough time on earth to teach the upcoming generation about Him.  Psalm 78 gives us a demonstration of this.  Asaph gives a run-down of the highlights of the Old Testament from Jacob, through the time in Egypt, the Exodus, the wilderness wandering, the conquest of the Promised Land, the period of the Judges, right through the kingship of David.  One cannot read this psalm and walk away without knowing the power and might of God.

We have this same responsibility and privilege today.  It is up to us to pass on the knowledge of God to the next generation.  We must pass on the responsibility of carrying the truth to a new generation.  It is odd for me to say this, because in many ways I am the next generation.  I am not yet shouldering the full burden.  And yet, I am already in the process of passing on what little I’ve learned to my sons and to the children and youth in my ministries at church.  Paul told Timothy to take what Paul had entrusted to him, and entrust it to faithful men who would entrust it to others (2 Timothy 2:2).  This represents four generations!  Take what you’ve heard, pass it on, and train them to pass it on as well.  I’ve heard it said that the parenting process isn’t done until you’ve taught your children to be parents.  This is so true, and it is true of the Christian life as well.

Let’s seek God’s sustaining power to see us through enough years that we may pass the baton to another generation.  Let’s not neglect our duty and privilege to do just this by not using our long life to declare God’s power.  Let’s pass it on!

*originally at Words of Reason

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