Bible in 90, Day 14: Choose Life

Deuteronomy 8-23

*video courtesy of Ardent Music at

I’m pro-choice.

But we’ll get back to that in a minute.  Moses is preparing the Israelites to enter the Land which God has promised to them with several farewell speeches.  He begins Deuteronomy 11 by reminding this generation that their children have not seen what they have.  None of them saw the plagues and miracles surrounding the Exodus event.  Most of them have only ever known manna as their food and don’t realize the significance of this miraculous provision.  They did not see the ground swallow up those who rebelled against God’s appointing of Moses as leader.  He urges the people again to love God supremely and follow His ways.  He repeats the admonition to commit the commands to memory and make them a part of everyday life.  In vv. 16-25, Moses lays out the penalty of disobedience and the rewards of obedience.

Then in vv. 26-32, Moses lays out the ultimate choice – living or dying, blessing or cursing.  This is what I mean when I say I am pro-choice.  God gives everyone the choice to follow His way, or their own.  Every man and woman must make that choice.  Every man and woman does make that choice everyday.  With every decision we make, we choose to follow our own desires and wisdom, or God’s.  One way leads to blessing and life, the other to cursing and death.

For us today, ultimately the choice boils down to Jesus.  Will you accept Him or reject Him?  Will you follow Him and find blessing and life, or will you spurn or reject Him and find cursing and death?  If you’ve never considered this choice before, I urge you to do so.  I urge you to consider the claims of Jesus Christ seriously.  Put your faith and trust in Him alone to forgive you of your sins and give you eternal life.  Check out the GOSPEL Journey at Dare2Share ministries for more on what the Bible has to say about this, or feel free to contact me through the comments section on this page if you have any questions or want more information.

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